James Reynolds is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Loop Capital. I recently sat down with Jim to talk about muni bonds, the future of his home state of Illinois and what Democrats can learn from Republican governors like Chris Christie, Scott Walker, and John Kasich. Video and a transcript of our conversation follows.
Steve Forbes: Jim, good to have you again. It's been a couple of years.
Jim Reynolds: It has been.
Forbes: You run a relatively small firm, sort of a jack of all trades though. You are in a lot of areas, munis. But you are in public-private partnership financing, M&A, been doing acquisitions. So, how would you define the firm, and what do you think it goes. Then, how do you survive in an area where we have too big to fail, despite all the rhetoric to the contrary.
Reynolds: Well, I will start with your second question first. The good news is we have been able to avoid the attention of Washington, D.C. And the intense scrutiny of the regulators. We're not deemed too big to fail nor are we considered a SIFI [Systemically Important Fiscal Institution], which is great.
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